When you have been working on a project for a long time, and you have your head on the handlebars, you sometimes lose your critical sense, and it becomes more challenging to move forward. Therefore, It is important to compare your project with external people, to work and test your concept.


You can have the best idea of the world, if it does not address the good public or that its universe is not inadequacy with the concept, you will have the greatest difficulty to make take off your activity.

How to pitch to brands? We decided to give you 4 tips for a successful launch.

1. Defining and explaining your concept

When we launch a concept, we are convinced of the singularity of our proposal. This is not necessarily the case for your future customers. Therefore, It is imperative to work well with your concept and make it accessible and adapted to the target.

You can have the best-marketed product in the world; if your customer does not consider it useful, he will not buy it. That’s why it’s essential to ask yourself a few questions about your product:

What is value-added? For whom will it be interesting? Why? How is it different from other offers on the market?

Answering these questions will determine your key selling point. It is this argument that will influence the customer to make a purchase decision.

2. Work my universe

The universe of your brand includes both the image, the story, the concept, and the values you want to convey. It is imperative not to neglect any of these points. Otherwise, you will not be consistent in your communication.

If you have decided to create a brand, develop and market a product, it’s because there is a story behind it. It is this story that is the essence of the brand because it translates values and addresses a specific target.

When creating your brand, you will have to ask yourself, “What story do I want to tell? “. That’s where you’ll come out of your concept, including imagining a visual identity that translates those values. Clients are often reluctant to invest in creating a visual identity: “My nephew is montages on photoshop, he will make me a logo. ALERT, ALERT. Let’s be honest; your nephew may be very resourceful, but do not forget that graphic is a job. Imagine that you go to a 3-star restaurant, and you learn that it is not the chef who cooks but a friend who is “rather talented.” I doubt that the result is the same. Well, for the graphics, it’s the same.

3. Work the product sheets

Now that you have a product that meets a need, a beautiful story to tell, and a visual identity worked, it will be necessary to think about your sales pitch: the product sheet. This is the most important element if you want to sell your products and communicate online.

These are product sheets that will be the showcase of what you sell. They must both make you want and trust your customers to comfort them in the purchase.

As the publisher of the listing, you need to imagine all the questions your customer might have about your product. For that, I advise you at first to list the characteristics of your product then all the questions that could be related to them.

Assuming my product is 100% cotton, my customer may ask:

Is cotton organic? Where does it come from? How do I care?

Depending on the product you sell, it will also add the size, color, material, weight, composition, provenance, conditions of maintenance or use, etc.

Be careful not to forget to put a picture of your product. This is the central element that makes up your listing, and that will most appeal to your customer, get him an eye. So, It is very important to put good quality content.

It is also recommended to show several angles of the product: face, profile but also zooms too, for example, present the texture.

Once again, photography is a profession; not everyone has the equipment or the skills to make beautiful photos. A product with a failed photo can result in 60% less sales, so do not hesitate to contact a professional!

4. Communicate on my launch

If you have followed the previous three steps well, you should already be on the right track! Now you have one essential point: manage your communication. A product launch requires a solid communication strategy: you have to make yourself known but also seduce!

How to do? At first, you will have to select the communication tools that you will use according to your target. If you target the Millenials, your strategy is better to rely on digital communication with the support of social networks, while a senior audience will be receptive to more traditional communication.

The key is not to engage on all fronts at the same time, especially if you do not master the tools. Better to use fewer tools but correctly rather than being present on a dozen and do it badly.

You can start a teasing campaign to announce the launch of your product! For example, You could each day reveal a small anecdote related to your product and its universe or then reveal in the drip specificities, features, etc.

The goal is to stir the curiosity of your customers, so that they subscribe and come back regularly on the page, until launch! Nothing better to start forming a community of customers.

You can also orchestrate the launch of your brand, not a highlight such as a launch cocktail. This is an opportunity for you to do some press relations by inviting local and specialized journalists to your launch party. If you teased upstream, this evening could be an opportunity to get to know the first members of your community!

Finally, do not forget that launch must be considered: it is not a question of launching your ski goggles collection once the winter is over! If you apply each of the previous tips, you should already see more clearly in your launch strategy.

Summary: Remember to set accessible goals, and do not be afraid to be agile! A product and a pitching strategy are always going to be modified and improved. It’s your ability to adapt that will make the difference. Do you want to meet us? Contact us at juliesolomon.net